Repo Level atlantis.yaml Config

An atlantis.yaml file specified at the root of a Terraform repo allows you to instruct Atlantis on the structure of your repo and set custom workflows.

Do I need an atlantis.yaml file?

atlantis.yaml files are only required if you wish to customize some aspect of Atlantis. The default Atlantis config works for many users without changes.

Read through the use-cases to determine if you need it.

Enabling atlantis.yaml

By default, all repos are allowed to have an atlantis.yaml file, but some of the keys are restricted by default.

Restricted keys can be set in the server-side repos.yaml repo config file. You can enable atlantis.yaml to override restricted keys by setting the allowed_overrides key there. See the Server Side Repo Config for more details.



Atlantis uses the atlantis.yaml version from the pull request, similar to other CI/CD systems. If you're allowing users to create custom workflows then this means anyone that can create a pull request to your repo can run arbitrary code on the Atlantis server.

By default, this is not allowed.


Once an atlantis.yaml file exists in a repo, Atlantis won't try to determine where to run plan automatically. Instead it will just follow the project configuration. This means that you'll need to define each project in your repo.

If you have many directories with Terraform configuration, each directory will need to be defined.

Example Using All Keys

version: 3
automerge: true
delete_source_branch_on_merge: true
parallel_plan: true
parallel_apply: true
abort_on_execution_order_fail: true
- name: my-project-name
  branch: /main/
  dir: .
  workspace: default
  terraform_version: v0.11.0
  delete_source_branch_on_merge: true
  repo_locking: true
    when_modified: ["*.tf", "../modules/**/*.tf", ".terraform.lock.hcl"]
    enabled: true
  plan_requirements: [mergeable, approved, undiverged]
  apply_requirements: [mergeable, approved, undiverged]
  import_requirements: [mergeable, approved, undiverged]
  execution_order_group: 1
    - project-1
  workflow: myworkflow
      - run: my-custom-command arg1 arg2
      - run:
          command: my-custom-command arg1 arg2
          output: hide
      - init
      - plan:
          extra_args: ["-lock", "false"]
      - run: my-custom-command arg1 arg2
      - run: echo hi
      - apply
- dev/
- staging/

Example of DRYing up projects using YAML anchors

  - &template
    name: template
    dir: template
    workflow: custom
      enabled: true
        - "./terraform/modules/**/*.tf"
        - "**/*.tf"
        - ".terraform.lock.hcl"

  - <<: *template
    name: ue1-prod-titan
    dir: ./terraform/titan
    workspace: ue1-prod

  - <<: *template
    name: ue1-stage-titan
    dir: ./terraform/titan
    workspace: ue1-stage

  - <<: *template
    name: ue1-dev-titan
    dir: ./terraform/titan
    workspace: ue1-dev

Auto generate projects

This is useful if you have many projects in a repository. This assumes the default workspace (or no workspace).

Run this in the root of your repository. This will use gnu grep to search terraform files for an S3 backend (terraform dir), retrieve the directory path, retrieve the unique entries, and then use yq to return the YAML of a simple project dir setup which can then be modified to your liking.

grep -P 'backend[\s]+"s3"' **/*.tf |
  rev | cut -d'/' -f2- | rev |
  sort |
  uniq |
  while read d; do \
    echo '[ {"name": "'"$d"'","dir": "'"$d"'", "autoplan": {"when_modified": ["**/*.tf.*"] }} ]' | yq -PM; \

Use Cases

Disabling Autoplanning

version: 3
- dir: project1
    enabled: false

This will stop Atlantis automatically running plan when project1/ is updated in a pull request.

Run plans and applies in parallel

version: 3
parallel_plan: true
parallel_apply: true

This will run plans and applies for all of your projects in parallel.

Enabling these options can significantly reduce the duration of plans and applies, especially for repositories with many projects.

Use the --parallel-pool-size to configure the max number of plans and applies that can run in parallel. The default is 15.

Parallel plans and applies work across both multiple directories and multiple workspaces.

Configuring Planning

Given the directory structure:

├── modules
│   └── module1
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       └── submodule
│           ├──
│           └──
└── project1

If you want Atlantis to plan project1/ whenever any .tf files under module1/ change or any .tf or .tfvars files under project1/ change you could use the following configuration:

version: 3
- dir: project1
    when_modified: ["../modules/**/*.tf", "*.tf*", ".terraform.lock.hcl"]


  • when_modified uses the .dockerignore syntaxopen in new window
  • The paths are relative to the project's directory.
  • when_modified will be used by both automatic and manually run plans.
  • when_modified will continue to work for manually run plans even when autoplan is disabled.

Supporting Terraform Workspaces

version: 3
- dir: project1
  workspace: staging
- dir: project1
  workspace: production

With the above config, when Atlantis determines that the configuration for the project1 dir has changed, it will run plan for both the staging and production workspaces.

If you want to plan or apply for a specific workspace you can use

atlantis plan -w staging -d project1


atlantis apply -w staging -d project1

Using .tfvars files

See Custom Workflow Use Cases: Using .tfvars files

Adding extra arguments to Terraform commands

See Custom Workflow Use Cases: Adding extra arguments to Terraform commands

Custom init/plan/apply Commands

See Custom Workflow Use Cases: Custom init/plan/apply Commands


See Custom Workflow Use Cases: Terragrunt

Running custom commands

See Custom Workflow Use Cases: Running custom commands

Terraform Versions

If you'd like to use a different version of Terraform than what is in Atlantis' PATH or is set by the --default-tf-version flag, then set the terraform_version key:

version: 3
- dir: project1
  terraform_version: 0.10.0

Atlantis will automatically download and use this version.

Requiring Approvals For Production

In this example, we only want to require apply approvals for the production directory.

version: 3
- dir: staging
- dir: production
  plan_requirements: [approved]
  apply_requirements: [approved]
  import_requirements: [approved]


plan_requirements, apply_requirements and import_requirements are restricted keys so this repo will need to be configured to be allowed to set this key. See Server-Side Repo Config Use Cases.

Order of planning/applying

version: 3
abort_on_execution_order_fail: true
- dir: project1
  execution_order_group: 2
- dir: project2
  execution_order_group: 1

With this config above, Atlantis runs planning/applying for project2 first, then for project1. Several projects can have same execution_order_group. Any order in one group isn't guaranteed. parallel_plan and parallel_apply respect these order groups, so parallel planning/applying works in each group one by one.

If any plan/apply fails and abort_on_execution_order_fail is set to true on a repo level, all the following groups will be aborted. For this example, if project2 fails then project1 will not run.

To ensure targeted applies respect the exection_order_group, you may define the depends_on attribute.

For a configuration as follows:

version: 3
- name: development
  dir: .
    when_modified: ["*.tf", "vars/development.tfvars"]
  execution_order_group: 1
  workspace: development
  workflow: infra
- name: staging
  dir: .
    when_modified: ["*.tf", "vars/staging.tfvars"]
  depends_on: ["development"]
  execution_order_group: 2
  workspace: staging
  workflow: infra
- name: production
  dir: .
    when_modified: ["*.tf", "vars/production.tfvars"]
  depends_on: ["staging"]
  execution_order_group: 3
  workspace: production
  workflow: infra

the depends_on feature will make sure that production is not applied before staging for example.


What Happens if one or more project's dependencies are not applied?

If there's one or more projects in the dependency list which is not in applied status, users will see an error if they try to run atlantis apply.

Custom Backend Config

See Custom Workflow Use Cases: Custom Backend Config


Top-Level Keys

version: 3
automerge: false
delete_source_branch_on_merge: false
versionintnoneyesThis key is required and must be set to 3.
automergeboolfalsenoAutomatically merges pull request when all plans are applied.
delete_source_branch_on_mergeboolfalsenoAutomatically deletes the source branch on merge.
projectsarray[Project][]noLists the projects in this repo.
map[string: Workflow]{}noCustom workflows.
allowed_regexp_prefixesarray[string][]noLists the allowed regexp prefixes to use when the --enable-regexp-cmd flag is used.


name: myname
branch: /mybranch/
dir: mydir
workspace: myworkspace
execution_order_group: 0
delete_source_branch_on_merge: false
repo_locking: true
terraform_version: 0.11.0
plan_requirements: ["approved"]
apply_requirements: ["approved"]
import_requirements: ["approved"]
workflow: myworkflow
namestringnonemaybeRequired if there is more than one project with the same dir and workspace. This project name can be used with the -p flag.
branchstringnonenoRegex matching projects by the base branch of pull request (the branch the pull request is getting merged into). Only projects that match the PR's branch will be considered. By default, all branches are matched.
dirstringnoneyesThe directory of this project relative to the repo root. For example if the project was under ./project1 then use project1. Use . to indicate the repo root.
workspacestring"default"noThe Terraform workspaceopen in new window for this project. Atlantis will switch to this workplace when planning/applying and will create it if it doesn't exist.
execution_order_groupint0noIndex of execution order group. Projects will be sort by this field before planning/applying.
delete_source_branch_on_mergeboolfalsenoAutomatically deletes the source branch on merge.
repo_lockingbooltruenoGet a repository lock in this project when plan.
autoplanAutoplannonenoA custom autoplan configuration. If not specified, will use the autoplan config. See Autoplanning.
terraform_versionstringnonenoA specific Terraform version to use when running commands for this project. Must be Semver compatibleopen in new window, ex. v0.11.0, 0.12.0-beta1.
array[string]nonenoRequirements that must be satisfied before atlantis plan can be run. Currently the only supported requirements are approved, mergeable, and undiverged. See Command Requirements for more details.
array[string]nonenoRequirements that must be satisfied before atlantis apply can be run. Currently the only supported requirements are approved, mergeable, and undiverged. See Command Requirements for more details.
array[string]nonenoRequirements that must be satisfied before atlantis import can be run. Currently the only supported requirements are approved, mergeable, and undiverged. See Command Requirements for more details.
stringnonenoA custom workflow. If not specified, Atlantis will use its default workflow.


A project represents a Terraform state. Typically, there is one state per directory and workspace however it's possible to have multiple states in the same directory using terraform init -backend-config=custom-config.tfvars. Atlantis supports this but requires the name key to be specified. See Custom Backend Config for more details.


enabled: true
when_modified: ["*.tf", "terragrunt.hcl", ".terraform.lock.hcl"]
enabledbooleantruenoWhether autoplanning is enabled for this project.
when_modifiedarray[string]["**/*.tf*"]noUses .dockerignoreopen in new window syntax. If any modified file in the pull request matches, this project will be planned. See Autoplanning. Paths are relative to the project's dir.
Last Updated:
Contributors: Ken Kaizu, nitrocode, Luke Kysow, Shouichi Kamiya, Andrei Vydrin, Andrey Vydrin, Anton Bronnikov, Bruno Ferreira, Istvan Tapaszto, Keita Kitamura, KevinSnyderCodes, Kyle Purdon, Logan Stuart, Luke Young, Matthieu Simon, Roberto Hidalgo, Taiki Ono, Thomas Nys, Vincent De Smet, Yunchi Luo, oysteingraendsen